Buy a House Now

This is it. This is what we have been waiting for these past 6 years.  Buy a house now. This is a rare market. A rare opportunity.  Interest rates are at an all time low.  Under 4% wasn’t even dreamt of a few years ago.  Victorian on VineAnd although the inventory of available homes is low, if you can buy an aggressive, honest real estate agent to help you, you WILL secure a home.

Buy a house now.  There are still plenty of people out there who will say that we are going to have another real estate bubble.   Or that the economy is too uncertain.  I believe there will always be people who are look at circumstances and see all the negatives.  I choose to look at circumstances, realistically, and see all the positives.

Buy a house now.  There are of course some criteria. You need a solid, certain, verifiable income.  A given.  And you need good credit.  If you can buy an honest, hardworking loan officer, a real person, not some email/internet company, then you can ask this person what it will take to fix your credit. It will take time, but you may still have a good window of opportunity.  Say one year hence. 

Buy a house now.  I am a firm believer that no matter what happens2 story house in the stock market, or the national economy, or the wars in the world, you will always have something solid to keep your family safe. You will have a small plot of land to grow your own tomatoes and vegetables and maybe a fruit tree, a roof over your head, and a door to keep the bad parts of the world away.  What better investment than a house?

Don’t just pick up the phone to buy your agent and loan officer. Talk to your friends. Ask around.  Find someone and make sure that you communicate well with each other.  After all, you want to make sure that they are representing YOUR needs.  This time, it IS all about you!

And then make sure and “Always Expect the Best”.   Joanie Williams


 Contact me anytime for real estate assistance.

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